By cohort 2 BGF-er, Khadija
On Friday 6th September thanks to the help of Bright Green Future I was able to attend the Now for Nature Conference in London. Here I met a fellow BGFer, cohort 3 participant, Trixie, who shares my interest in practical conservation, science and policy – I am so glad that we met!

The event took place at the Natural History Museum – we attended a variety of talks ranging from the identification and monitoring of species to a panel interview with Amelia Womack and Daze Aghaji, amongst others. The panel interview was about the role that politics has in ‘saving nature’.

My time here at the Natural History Museum attending the conference was very insightful and reiterated the passion that I have for conservation, with Chris Packham’s speech leaving us simultaneously frustrated by certain individuals actions and somewhat hopeful as we heard from influential adolescents who through participating in the youth strikes for climate action were able to gather influence, demanding for climate action.

Thanks yet again to BGF for enabling me to network with experts in their fields, attend this fantastic conference and visit the Natural History Museum – I had a marvellous time!