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Stepping Up and Being Heard

Written by Cohort 2 BGF-er, Khadija

I participated in the #youthstrike4climate on Friday 15th March with my friends and the atmosphere and turnout was incredible not only in Birmingham - where we were, but across the UK and the world! It was so inspiring and such a relief to see so many like minded people, people who cared deeply about the environment and implementing action to prevent climate change from worsening as well as other environmental issues that we need to address.

Khadija (middle) pictured with her school friends at #youthstrike4climate on 15/3/19

Bright Green Future is a FREE year-long environmental training programme for 14-17 year olds which aims to give you the tools, knowledge and skills to make change and empower you to do the things that really matter. Through Bright Green Future you can learn about the most effective ways to fight climate change, gain confidence and meet loads of like-minded young people.

Applications for our new 2019 cohort are OPEN NOW Click here to apply.


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